Planting a new tree can be a significant investment. With many trees costing well over $1000, and expected to contribute to your property value for a lifetime; selecting the correct specimen can be a daunting task. 

As professionals with a front row seat to Edmontons urban forest; we’re afforded the opportunity to develop an intimate picture of the challenges and strengths of certain tree types in our cities unique (and often harsh) sub-climate. 

When asked for our advice on a new tree selection; we’ve found the best place to start is what NOT to plant. And no matter what the unique requirements are for your property and taste, two trees always top that list. 

G. PRUNUS (Mayday, Ornamental Cherry, Mountian Ash)

A long time favourite of ornamental urban tree design, prunus trees are beloved for their compact size, beautiful foliage, and low maintenance… but that’s unfortunately no longer the case for this troubled tree species. the reason: black knot fungus.

Yes, the dreaded black knot. An incurable and prolific tree fungus; black knot lives inside the wood of the tree and spreads through the air with spores released from unsightly black growths on the branch ends.

Being by far the most common tree disease we come across in Edmonton, any species susceptible to the disease should be avoided.


Silver Maple

Typically considered one of Canadas greatest monument trees; silver maples unfortunately do not typically thrive in Edmontons climate.

Native to the the west coast, silver maples typically struggle with Edmonton winters, and rarely reach maturity. Although if they do survive to maturity, they tend to do fine.

Comparable Substitutes

Instead consider an Amur maple or one of various edible apple varieties instead. While the apple tree will bring a resplendent floral display to your landscape in the spring (and earn its keep with delicious fruit), the Amur offers brilliant red and orange foliage in the autumn.

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